About Us
Nonviolence Works! is a collective of peace activists from progressive, spiritual, and interfaith communities in the NYC area.
We sponsor an online conference for peace and nonviolence studies every year. We started in 2020, when we made history by bringing to the table leading American, Iranian, and Israeli peace activists, including Nader Talebzadeh, Father John Dear, Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, and Kathy Kelly.
This year, we invite you to click here to register for our conference on Saturday, October 2nd, 2021 via live streaming and online platforms, from 6 - 10PM, EST, the official International Day of Nonviolence recognized by the UN.
Our event celebrates the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi and delivers new hope to a world full of violence and despair. We have an exciting roster of speakers and panels.
Join us!
About the Founders:
Peace activists came together to participate in the “Nonviolence Conference” put together in 2020.
Back in 2020, we worked with American, Iranian, and Israeli peace activists, we gave a special focus on the US’s recent murder of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani. Guests included Iranian journalist and film-maker Nader Talebzadeh, Israeli green activist Michael Raphael, Father John Dear, Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, and Kathy Kelly. More info on the 2020 Conference is here.
Hicks and friends helped develop the raw ideas in 2021 into the renamed “Nonviolence Works!” The new title came from the influential book Why Civil Resistance Works by Erika Chenoweth and Maria B. Stephan.
Our Network:
Co-Founder Sander Hicks is active in the American anti-war movement, Zen Studies Society, and Quaker communities, DSA Religious Socialism, DSA Electoral, and Brooklyn Democratic Party. He served as an active volunteer on two recent electoral campaigns: Marcella Mitaynes for State Assembly, and Alexa Aviles for City Council.